Welcome 2009!

Friday, January 2, 2009

December was SO busy. I didn't have a chance to write a single entry. Ferd planned a party for my 32nd birthday. So many of our friends came from Virginia Beach, Richmond, and all over the DC metropolitan area. Then it was crunchtime getting all our stuff together for our trip back home for the holidays. I was home for almost a week. I caught up with friends that were also in town so needless to say... I didn't get much sleep (even with my parents and inlaws helping me with Ava!). As stressed as I get during the holidays, I was so glad to spend quality time with both sides of our family. I promise to post pictures once I get a second =)

Now... on to more important things.. it's a new year! I drove home by myself the Tuesday before New Year's. It was the only "me-time" I had the entire vacation. Ava was fast asleep in the back of my car and I was able to reflect on the year coming to a close. It always seems to fly right by me, and this is really the only time in the year that I start to get bitter-sweet feelings about Ava growing up. You know, she's growing up (YAY!) but at the same time... she's growing up :( . I have a few resolutions up my sleeve and I am determined to stick to them this time. Ferd said that he would document more of Ava's silly little antics and funny little sayings. Currently, she's been saying "Oh my goodness!" to anything amazing (which is pretty much everything). And when she's really upset with you, she'll firmly put her fists on her hips and say, "DON'T TALK ABOUT!" We have no idea what it means, but she definitely says it with emotion that's worthy of an oscar-nomination.

More exciting news: I treated myself to a new toy! A Canon xTi. I tested it out today while we were at the National Gallery of Art. I am SO excited about my camera and I can't wait to learn more about it. I will post pictures soon.

My mantra for 2009: "Focus on the positive and amazing things will happen."

Until next time...

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