Ava's 2nd Birthday Playdate

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Time flies. Wasn't it yesterday when I was planning Ava's first birthday party?! I was determined to have a birthday un-party. My parents, inlaws, and siblings were unable to come to nova, so Ferd and I decided to have a birthday playdate with a few of Ava's local friends. We all met at Build-A-Bear to make stuffed animals. Ava was so excited to see all her friends!! (We missed Sky and Brooke =( Hope you are feeling better Sky!)

After making out puppies, koalas, and teddy bears we had pizza and cake!! Ava practiced all week how to blow out her candle, but Julian helped her put the fire out! Thanks Julez =)

Everyone stayed around to run and jump around in the play area. I'll upload videos once I learn how to post them to our blof (I'm still learning). Thank you all for coming!! Ava had a wonderful time and loved every single one of her gifts! Thanks again!

p.s. We missed you too Niko and Lily. Sorry we couldn't make it to your party. See you soon!

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