Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I have an ongoing list of things I am determined to accomplish this summer. School let out last week and I have been on the ball with tackling my to-do list. Here is what I WILL do before September:

Antonette's Summer To-Do List

1. Repaint the walls from brick red to something brighter. This is way overdue, but I know it will do wonders for the condo. Picking the color will be the challenge.

2. Decoupage a table for Ava. Kris inspired me to do this.

3. Take Ava camping in Colorado. We leave in 7 days!

4. Frame art work/posters that I've collected for years...

5. Take Ava to Picture People.

6. Purge my closet. Ferd will be so happy when I get this done.

7. Enroll Ava in a summer class.

8. Take Ava to Wolf Trap for the Children's Summer Series.

9. Take a class for myself. Papersource class scheduled for July 16th.

10. File bills/organize office.

Sounds like a lot, but 2 days into my summer vacation and I'm not doing too bad. Today Ava started her Wiggles and Giggles class with her friend Emory. Afterwards, we went to Sherwood Farmer's Market and the the library. She's down for her nap now and when I clean up a bit.. I'll post some pictures. =)

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