Ava's 2nd Birthday Playdate

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Time flies. Wasn't it yesterday when I was planning Ava's first birthday party?! I was determined to have a birthday un-party. My parents, inlaws, and siblings were unable to come to nova, so Ferd and I decided to have a birthday playdate with a few of Ava's local friends. We all met at Build-A-Bear to make stuffed animals. Ava was so excited to see all her friends!! (We missed Sky and Brooke =( Hope you are feeling better Sky!)

After making out puppies, koalas, and teddy bears we had pizza and cake!! Ava practiced all week how to blow out her candle, but Julian helped her put the fire out! Thanks Julez =)

Everyone stayed around to run and jump around in the play area. I'll upload videos once I learn how to post them to our blof (I'm still learning). Thank you all for coming!! Ava had a wonderful time and loved every single one of her gifts! Thanks again!

p.s. We missed you too Niko and Lily. Sorry we couldn't make it to your party. See you soon!

Our Family Pictures 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm trying to be good about having Ava's pictures taken yearly. Our photographer, Chip, did my maternity photos, Ava's newborn photos, and Ava's First Year photos at the National Gallery of Art. This year, Chip was busy (with a new edition to his family) and I had to search for someone else to take our pictures. That is when I came across Trevor. I found his ad on Craigslist and was just immediately impressed. At the age of 22, yes.. he's 22, he's traveled to 30 different countries in 5 different continents as a scientist/photographer. He made the whole experience fun and stress-free. After emailing tons of "potential" photographers on Craiglist, I am SOOO happy that we decided to work with Trevor. We will surely be in touch with him for future pictures; plus, Ava seemed to like him a lot. =)

Ava's wild curiosty made for quite an interesting photo session. We decided to go to the Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, VA. Ava was just intrigued by any and everything. We let her run around and do her own thing while Trevor snapped away. The most difficult thing was trying to get all three of us in a decent family photograph. We tried our best... but the candid photos actually turned out to be my most favorite. Here are just a few of my favorites. Enjoy!

Thank goodness for the pacifer

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ava was so excited to find out that we would be having an impromptu playdate/visit from Josie (doesn't she have the most beautiful, big, blue eyes?). They had dinner together, well... they sat together at the table and threw food on the floor and I got a taste of what it's like to have to two toddlers under the age of 2. I had no idea what I was in for. Although I spent most of my time with Josie, Ava didn't seem to mind it one bit. Ava loved the company and once she learned that she could get Josie to CLAP on demand, she couldn't stop laughing =) I have to admit, I enjoyed double the giggles and realized I missed the coos. As the night went on, they both started to get a bit fussy.. but it was nothing that the "mute button", aka the pacifier couldn't solve. The best part of the night:  Ava used the potty for the first time since May.  Yay Ava!  Until next time...

Election Day 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Although mommy and daddy didn't vote for the same candidate... we were very excited to be a party of history! Ferd went first thing this morning around 6am and was off to work by 8am. I had better luck. Just when I started to regret not bringing my stroller in the polling place... I hear, "Last names A through D!" and we moseyed our way up to the front of the line. We were in and out in 20 minutes tops. We'll be up very late tonight watching the results...

Happy Halloween!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween! On Friday, I took Ava (my little love bug) to a Halloween Toddler Breakfast at Lyons Park in Arlington, VA. Ava reconnected with her friend Sky (also a ladybug, how cute) and Sky's new baby sister Brooke Summer. Ava flew down the slides and got down and dirty in the sandpit. Then, we headed to Mommy's work at school to catch the annual Cameron Halloween Parade. Ava napped until daddy got home and then we (Ava as an elephant this time) all headed to Tyson's Corner mall to trick-or-treat! Ava borrowed Gabby's costume and it was a hit. =) One mother even stopped Ava to give her candy out of her own kid's basket.. haha.

On Saturday we made a quick appearance at Matt and Amy's Halloween party, as 80's breakdancer.. and although I don't think many of them got it.. it was still fun nonetheless. Ava was the icing on the cake... complete with the bandana, adidas track suit and cut-off gloves. Enjoy!

Why I'm blogging...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

If you know us well, then you know that we've had our fair share of travel up and down interstate 95, 295, 64 and 264. While traveling used to be a breeze (just pack a few outfits, make-up, and of course my chi), we now have AVA! Now I need everything under the sun "just in case". Let's just say that a simple three hour drive will never ever be a simple three hour drive again (thank god for the dvd player). There just comes a time when we realize that this place (Fairfax County) is just as much HOME as our HOME in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.

We sacrifice/invest time, money and energy to travel home, but we do it so that the bond between Ava and her aunties, uncles, and grandparents remain strong. While we cannot come home for every occassion (and believe me... there are MANY occassions), we want friends and family to "know" Ava. I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by my beloved cousins growing up and I want the same for my daughter. I want to share her "little daily miracles", milestones, and funny stories. She is growing up toooo fast and I want to remember and share every detail.

So, that is why I have decided to blog about our life in Alexandria and about our little angel, Ava Love. I hope you enjoy! We love you all.

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