Playing with my camera.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On a whim, I decided to take Ava to a lake behind our condo and snap a few pictures before I headed to work. We were out there for about 45 minutes. I'm still learning about lighting so I was unsure how the pictures would come out at 8am. Here are a few that I took. Enjoy.

Things happen for a reason....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I got the most obvious and blantant sign on Sunday. Ferd and I took Ava to the library, as we usually do. We typically tag-team once we're there; one reads with Ava while the other looks for books to read, and switch. So, as we all get together to check out our books, Ferd and I realize that we got the same exact book to read... out of ALL the books in the library. So, I'm currently reading The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents by Deepak Chopra. So far, I love it.

Making progress...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Okay, it's about midway through summer vacation... I'm looking at my Summer To Do list and I've tackled most of my tasks =) I've enrolled Ava in Wiggle and Giggles and Mt. Vernon Rec Ctr. She loves it and plays with her friends, Emmy, Chloe, and Isaiah. Her favorite is the parachute.

I decoupaged a table for Ava. She uses her table to eat and do crafts.

I took a Paper Source Class with Kris. I had so much fun. We made paper lanterns, stationary, and boxes with Indian inspired paper and stamps. Here are photos from my phone.

I finally bought frames for stuff prints I've collected. We've framed our Kokua poster, Ava's picture from the Egg Roll at the White House, and a Red Sox poster from 2004.

We went camping in Steamboat Springs, CO. Amazingly, Ava coped well. She even insisted on using the potty there.. ew.

Yesterday, we met Sky and Brooke at Wolf Trap for the Children's Theater in the Woods. We saw Hobey Ford and the second performance was Cathy and Marcy with beatboxer and progressive hip-hop artist, Christylez Bacon. Ava's favorite instrument was the washboard.

Next on my agenda is painting my wall (I've narrowed my colors down to two) and orgainze and file all our docs.
Finish up later.. gotta spend QT with Ferd.

Table for Ava.. DONE!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I should have tried to decoupage on something else before diving into this project. I've never done it before, always wanted to try it, but was inspired by Kristine. What better time than now? I have the whole summer off. I would have done a few things differently. For starters, I would have used a sponge brush.. and I would have glued the back part entirely before sealing the whole table. I chose three patterned sheets of paper. I cut them in different sized rectangles then rubbed some art all over the table. I then sealed the papers with Mod Podge. It came out more wrinkled than I'd like.. but that's just me being a perfectionist. One thing on my summer to do list checked off!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I have an ongoing list of things I am determined to accomplish this summer. School let out last week and I have been on the ball with tackling my to-do list. Here is what I WILL do before September:

Antonette's Summer To-Do List

1. Repaint the walls from brick red to something brighter. This is way overdue, but I know it will do wonders for the condo. Picking the color will be the challenge.

2. Decoupage a table for Ava. Kris inspired me to do this.

3. Take Ava camping in Colorado. We leave in 7 days!

4. Frame art work/posters that I've collected for years...

5. Take Ava to Picture People.

6. Purge my closet. Ferd will be so happy when I get this done.

7. Enroll Ava in a summer class.

8. Take Ava to Wolf Trap for the Children's Summer Series.

9. Take a class for myself. Papersource class scheduled for July 16th.

10. File bills/organize office.

Sounds like a lot, but 2 days into my summer vacation and I'm not doing too bad. Today Ava started her Wiggles and Giggles class with her friend Emory. Afterwards, we went to Sherwood Farmer's Market and the the library. She's down for her nap now and when I clean up a bit.. I'll post some pictures. =)

What is it that Bill Cosby said?... "Kids say the darndest things"...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yesterday I was wearing Ferd's boxer shorts with skull and crossbones. Ava looked at me and said, "Mom! You're wearing daddy's pirate panties!" Omg, I still can't stop laughing.

Ferd's first race!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We're so proud of Ferd. Ferd finished his first race, the Lawyers Have Heart 10k, with some of the partners and employees of Season's Culinary. We headed for Georgetown early in the morning and ended the afternoon at Open City in Woodley Park for celebratory brunch and spirits. To view the entire album, click here.

Mother's Day

Monday, June 1, 2009

Once again... I'm slipping on posting here regularly. Ferd and Ava took me to Asia Nine for brunch. To our surprise, one of Ferd's employees was working and picked up our tab. Thank you Thoi! Afterwards, Ava and daddy took me to Clay Studios to paint a plate for Mother's Day. We let Ava paint as she wished and Ferd and I put finishing touches on and we were so pleased with how it came out!

Friday, May 1, 2009

I've learned to upload videos to my blog. Yay!

... at least I think I've learned. Photobucket has been acting up lately, so if you don't see the video, try back in a few minutes. I'll have to post videos from Ava's second birthday now. I don't think anyone's seen those =)

Here are some pix of Ava out and about. Enjoy!

Easter Egg Roll at the White House

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ava and mommy spent Easter Monday at the White House! Every year since 1878 the White House hosts an Easter Egg Roll for children. Barack Obama made the tickets available online so that families outside Washington D.C. can experience this tradition on the South Lawn. I thought for sure I'd be able to score tickets, but after hours online and friends helping me get tickets, I ended up empty handed. The website was just flooded with other people trying to get their hands on tickets. Luckily, a friend of mine from high school and ODU is neighbors with a secret service agent and she was generous enough to invite us along. Oh, but we were not alone! Along with us was James Cromwell, Fergie, Imagination Movers, oh.. and the President and First Lady. We left with "THE" wooden souvenier egg (we hope to collect many more). To order yours, click here. Here are some pictures. For the complete album, click here Easter Egg Roll 2009.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

We enjoyed the weather Saturday having Eamonn's fish and chips in Olde Town Alexandria. We've been a few times, and I think we really go for their variety of sauces. :) I don't think the cod's all that exceptional, but it's good and cheap.

Reflection on Motherhood; A daughter turned mother.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mother's day is quickly approaching and every year I find myself brainstorming for the "perfect" gift to give the most kind and selfless person I know, my mum. Because my mother is very giving, never selfish, and always thinking of others, she will most likely say that she needs nothing. This makes for a very difficult person to shop for.

Now as a kid, I remember sitting in the cafeteria ready to eat my lunch (which was always something I didn't want to eat, but had to... OR ELSE). I'd look around and see that my classmates had little notes from their mommies in their lunch box. Little hearts drawn on their brown paper lunch bag and smiley faces imprinted on their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I thought, "My mom NEVER does that!" Of course I'm older now and wise enough to know that I cannot measure my mother's love based on how cute my lunch was. I've come to appreciate the "real" things that matter. Like how my mom ALWAYS prepares my favorite filipino dishes for me, Ferd, and Ava. She even pre-packages meals for us to store in our freezer. She's done this forever for me. I recall my mom doing this while I was living in Hampton, finishing graduate school... because my mom's main goal was to keep me studying. Unfortuantely, she's created a 32-year-old that cannot re-create any of my favorite filipino foods. But, that's okay... I married a chef =). I'm going off tanget... but my point is: My mother would do any and everything for me if it meant that I would be bettering myself. I love her for that. I've said this over and over before, but I know I will be a wonderful mother because I've learned by example.

Becoming a mother has been an amazing experience. The transformation I went through was nothing like I expected. Here I am turning every moment into a "teachable moment". We are naming shapes and colors, singing songs, teaching manners and right from wrong, and all along I'm finding out that I am not the teacher. Ava has really taught ME more about life, love, and myself than anyone I know. Who would've thought that such a teeny, tiny, creature could (and would) have so much power?! That, in fact, is probably the biggest lesson I have learned: Never underestimate the power of your child (or the pacifier... JUST KIDDING!). Ferd reminds me of this daily. I could write a book on all the life lessons I've learned from Ava, and she's only 2! :)

The very instant Ava was born, I became STRONG. Little ole me, strong? Yes, in every sense of the word. I want to love her intensely, protect her fierecly, and bravely raise her to one day leave her father and mother to live an absolutely extraordinary life.

So, I thank my mother for all that I know and all she's taught me to learn on my own. I thank my mother-in-law, for reminding me about the "little things in life" that bring us immense joy. And I thank my daughter, Ava Love, for opening me up to a "new" world and revealing the true person that I am today. To all my girls, today and everyday... Happy Mother's Day.

Ava on the RUN!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I don't know how to keep up with her. She's a fast one. She's behind the curtains. She's in her makeshift fort. She's in the cabinets, on the table, you name it... Ava's marked her spot there. Although I LOVE her vivacious curiosity and often encourage it, I am terrified of Ava "getting away" during the split second that I turn around. I've struggled with how to manage getting things in and out of my car while Ava is standing next to me in the parking lot. Sometimes my hands are so full, that I have to put her down for a second to load the car THEN put her in. I often have one leg blocking her in so she won't run off. I've seen a handprint magnet that you can put on your car to teach your children to touch so you can rest assured that your little toddler will stay put. I've used the same exact concept with a Nats magnet we got at last Saturday's ball game. To my amazement, it works and Ava likes putting her hand on the "W", as I call it. In fact, when I'm strapping her in, she tells me, "Mama, put your hand on the W!" Here are some pix of Ava staying still at the Target parking lot =)

Easter egg hunt with Season's Culinary folks..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ava had her first egg hunt today after church with Jeremy and Claudia. Ava made out. About four dollars and enough candy to drive mommy and daddy nuts. Enjoy the pix.

Pasta Mia in Adams Morgan

I decided to take Ava to Ferd's work on Friday. We had lunch at daddy's work and spent the day in DC shopping and walking around until Ferd got off. By the time we finished strolling around the city, we had built up an appetite and decided to go to Pasta Mia in Adams Morgan. If you are unaware of this tiny gem in DC, you don't know what you are missing. The restaurant is small and family-owned. The chef cooks in the order of people seated.. meaning, he'll cook for us first (we were first in line) then moves on to the next, and so on and so forth. If you were fifth in line, you could easily wait another hour in the restaurant before a waiter even sees you. They are only open Tues-Sat from 6:30 to whenever. They don't answer their phone (that is if they even have one), no substitutions allowed, cash only- no credit cards, no reservations, no seating until entire party is present, and get this... the line outside the restaurant begins at or around 5 pm. Yes, we waited that long. By 6pm, there were easily about 45 people in line. By 6:30pm, the line was nearly wrapped around the corner of the block.

The food was sooooo worth the wait. We would have stuck around for their tiramisu, but Ava had had enough of the waiting all day =). Here are pictures of our masterpieces.. Mmmm.
Clams and spicy pasta sauce


It's already April?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Okay, this is my spring break week. Yes, spring break. Feels like yesterday we were ringing in the new year. I have lots to catch up on. I want to post/blog about the progress of some of my new year's resolutions, silly conversations with Ava, pictures of places we have visited, etc... I am also realizing that I would like to add new goals for myself, I'll get to all that later. For now, I want to share some pictures from our visit to see the cherry blossoms in DC. It's my favorite time of the year. What's best is that the weather last Sunday was perfect. We met up with Tracy and Jason. Enjoy the pix and I'll be back to post more thoughts I have going in the back of my mind....

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